Florence Dwyer
Impressions. Stoneware tagliatelle, clay and glaze. Made by the residents at The Argyle Care Centre Helensburgh as part of a three month Arts in Care Residency project organised by Luminate.
Ceramics workshops and celebrations at Luncarty House Care home as part of a three month Arts and Care Residency project organised by Luminate.
Creating Boundaries workshop inspired by MC Richards at Saga University, Arita Japan
Decal Plates, made by the Museum of Things Group at Maryhill Integration Network, in partnership with Glasgow Sculpture Studios
Food Plates, made by the Youth Group at Central West Integration Network Glasgow.
Age 4 to 12 years.
Relief Plates, made by HomeStart North Glasgow Nurture Group in partnership with Glasgow Sculpture Studios
Centring workshop, Artist-led-Activity Exchange Residency Scottish Sculpture Workshop, 2017.
Photographs by Ross Fraser Mclean